Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Forum Of Music

Does your heart beat if you are alive?
Isn’t that sound a rhythm?
When you speak or sing, good at it or not, doesn’t it have a tone?
When you listen out into the world: hear the wind, the trees, the rain, and the animals, doesn’t that world make many melodies?

Do you ever wake up from a dream, with the sound of a song in your head?
Have you ever seen one of your favorite music stars and dreamed of being on stage or even doing the things what you love about them so much?
What is it that makes you love the sound of music so much?
We all have had a point in time: where we needed some music the capture the moments, Love, Anger, Happy, Sad or even Mellow.

As a music artist my job isn’t just to create music.
Yes, I am a music producer, but my job isn’t just to combine artist, with a tune, and make sure the song is arranged well…
My job is to capture the emotion of everything, from the simplest things in life, to the biggest things in life.

When you are bored, and just gazing off into space, sometimes do you tap on a chair or desk, as annoying as it may be to some, isn’t that a form of music?
Have you ever herd keys jingling, wind chimes glide through the air, a fan move, a car start, an alarm sound, a door open, a door slam, food cooking, an appliances running, a phone ring, a stadium crowd, the sounds of people talking and communicating?

Music is much the same as all those elements, except it tells a story, a theme, its shapes and colors, another world, another language, it’s a different time, a different place, it’s much the same as the emotions because it to, has a life of its’ own…

The soul purpose, of this blog, is to explore creativity, and the life in behind the art.
Music production isn’t just about producing music, it is to bring the best out of all the elements that drive a person dreams and emotions.

For some music could be a “Mistress” as Jazz Legend Duke Ellington put.
Many people would say music is as the Earth Wind and Fire song, “Fantasy”. 
Stevie Wonders’ 70’s album was entitled “Song in the Key of Life” and as all these Rock&Roll Hall of Fame artists captured, it was all about exploring and captivating others just by a series of played sounds and combined with vocals and sound effects to tell a story in time.

Today is all about: your story, my story, and our stories, in the forum of music

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